Due Oct. 1 | Articles for the 2016 issue of Research on Medieval and Renaissance Drama (vol. 55)

Now accepting submissions for the 2016 issue of ROMARD: Research on Medieval and Renaissance Drama (volume 55), which will appear in both print and electronic versions.
ROMARD: Research on Medieval and Renaissance Drama, a peer-reviewed journal sponsored by the Medieval and Renaissance Drama Society, is seeking articles for its 2016 issue. ROMARD is committed to publishing current and compelling research on Medieval and Renaissance drama and to expanding the ways in which we think about and study performance histories. Although the journal publishes work that examines any topic related to Medieval and Renaissance performance, articles that consider under-represented geographies, genres, and language traditions are particularly welcome.  We especially invite work that explores how early drama, theatre, and performance resists, complicates, acknowledges, and/or challenges boundaries—be they chronological (e.g. Medieval/Renaissance), generic, geographic, communal, disciplinary, religious, etc.
Please submit your article as a double-spaced MS Word file email attachment. Articles should be written in English and 5,000 to 9,000 words in length (including notes), although shorter pieces will be considered. Do not include the author’s name on or within the article. A separate file attachment should contain a cover letter with the author’s name, e-mail address, mailing address, telephone number, and professional affiliation. Please contact the Managing Editor regarding non-English-language submissions. Submissions should be e-mailed to the Managing Editor, Mario Longtin, at [email protected].
To be considered for the 2016 issue, please submit your article by October 1st.