Due April 10 | CFP: "Women of the Mediterranean" Representations and Self-Representations – Sant’Anna Institute, Sorrento Italy, June 10-11, 2016

Call for Papers: “Women of the Mediterranean” Representations and Self-Representations – Sant’Anna Institute, Sorrento Italy, June 10-11, 2016
Sant’Anna Institute (Sorrento, Italy) and the College of the Holy Cross (Worcester, United States) are pleased to present the Second International Conference “Women of the Mediterranean. Representations and Self-Representations
Conference Location: Sant’Anna Institute, Sorrento (Italy)
Conference Director: Giovanni Spani (College of the Holy Cross)
Conference Coordinator:  Marco Marino (Sant’Anna Institute)
Keynote Speaker: Eduardo Urios-Aparisi (University of Connecticut)
The object of this Conference is the analysis of the role and conditions of women in the Mediterranean area, considered within its globality, according to a diachronic and synchronic perspective in a global vision of the reality in which Mediterranean women live and operate. Among the several connotative aspects of the feminine dimension as it is lived and perceived in the countries on the shores of the Mediterranean, this Conference intends to explore, first of all, the cultural models that have an effect on the socio-economic contexts of this geographic area and to attempt to awaken the presence of women inside these contexts both in terms of identity construction and role they usually play.
Furthermore, the Conference will focus on the historic evolution of feminine conditions and on its literary, theatrical, and cinematographic representation without neglecting the juridical dimension and the role of women in the socio-political-economical setting of our global era.
The Organizing Committee will be overseeing the publication of an ad hoc volume with the goal of including submissions determined to be, at the incontestable discretion of the Committee, the most significant in terms of academic scholarship.
From a comparative and inter-Mediterranean perspective, submissions in Italian, English and Spanish are welcome, related to the following disciplines:
– Gender Studies
– Literature
– History
– Philosophy
– Sociology and Anthropology
– Political Science
– Religious Studies
– Migratory Studies
– Cinema
– Human Rights
– Economy
The Conference themes can include:
– Mythical women throughout history
– Feminine identity: revision of patriarchy, LGTBQ, Subject vs. Object
– Mothers/daughters
– Wonderwoman vs. Superman: superheroines in pop culture
– Women and war
– Autobiographies
– Memoirs
– Women behind the film camera
– Women and pop culture
– Women and politics
– Tearing down barriers: women travellers
– Women and dictatorship
– Women and globalization
– Women and consumer society
– Women of the Middle Ages
Please send your proposal for the conference (2 paragraph maximum) in Italian, English or Spanish, along with your complete academic profile, by April 10 2016, to the Organizing Committee at
[email protected]