Due Dec 10 | McGill Graduate Conference 2017

The McGill English Department’s Twenty-Third Annual Graduate Student Conference invites submissions engaging with globalization and its histories, geographies, and cultural expressions. We are interested in discussions of globalization beyond the normative postmodern approach to the phenomenon as the proliferation of cultural difference: What forms has globalization historically taken? What are its modern and premodern origins? What do we mean by modernity/modernization in the context of globalization? What role do national narratives play in its evolution? What is the status of national literatures in view of a world literature? How does translation limit and expand the possibilities or scope of a global canon?  How do specific aesthetic practices like modernism, realism, and naturalism register global processes as combined and uneven development? In what ways are social inequality, class, race, and gender implicated in globalization? How is cultural identity mediated in a time of unprecedented mass migration and displacement?
We invite submissions from all disciplines addressing, but not limited to, the following topics:

  • literary geography, cartography, mapping the world
  • histories of globalization and modern histories
  • translation and cultural exchange
  • national literatures and narratives in view of world literature
  • ‘third-world’ literature and national allegories; studies of the global south
  • global genres: (post)modernism, naturalism & realism
  • transnational theatre, performance, and film
  • international collaboration and transnationalist practices
  • global movements in the arts
  • modernity/modernization as combined and uneven development
  • neoliberal ideology, exploitation, and primitive accumulation
  • universalism and human rights discourses
  • class, race, and gender in a globalized world
  • gender, sexuality, and queer studies
  • global resistance and separatist movements
  • religion, nationalism, sectarianism
  • decolonization and reconciliation
  • (anti-)colonial and postcolonial literatures
  • migration flows, diasporic literature, and border studies

We welcome proposals from any field or historical period on topics which relate to globalization. Presentations will primarily be in English, but we welcome submissions for a French panel.
Please submit abstracts (250-300 words) and a short bio including university affiliation as .doc / .pdf to McGillGradConference@gmail.com for consideration. Decisions will be sent out in January.
Conference Location: McGill University, Montréal, Québec, Canada.
Conference Dates: February 17th, 2017 to February 19th, 2017
Submission Deadline: December 10th, 2016.
Please feel free to address any questions not answered in the attached document to mcgillgradconference@gmail.com or check for more information on https://mcgillconference.wordpress.com/