I am a chemistry PhD student at City College and I am looking to rent a 2 or 3-bedroom apartment in the area (Washington Heights,…

From August 7-18, the Graduate Center’s Teaching and Learning Center will be hosting the first Teach@CUNY Summer Institute, a comprehensive, hybrid course-preparation seminar for Graduate Center Teaching Fellows. Participants…

Dear New York Medievalists: Professor Jocelyn Wogan-Browne sends this message concerning a collection of manuscripts from Corpus Christie College Oxford, now here in New York…

Thursday, 06/15/2017 4:00 p.m., Graduate Center, Room C415A Richard Montauk, author of How to Get Into the Top MBA Programs and noted career consultant, will…

Thursday, 06/08/2017 3:00 p.m., CUNY Graduate Center, room 9204 As a graduate student or postdoctoral scholar, you have a knowledge base and skill set that…

The School of Modern Languages and Cultures at the University of Warwick invites expressions of interest for individual Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellowships (https://ec.europa.eu/research/mariecurieactions/about/individual-fellowships_en[ec.europa.eu]), to be held…

Dear all, We hope your semester is winding down nicely and exciting summer plans are ahead. The Pearl Kibre Medieval Study will be opening its…

Call for Papers: Panel on: Women and/in Storytelling in Early Modern France Chair: Kathleen Loysen (Montclair State University) A panel dedicated to examining how women…