Call for expressions of interest, Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellowships (Warwick)
The School of Modern Languages and Cultures at the University of Warwick invites expressions of interest for individual Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellowships ([]), to be held in one or more of its constituent departments (French Studies, German Studies, Hispanic Studies, Italian Studies). These fellowships, lasting two to three years (depending on the specific scheme), are meant for the most promising researchers, typically coming from outside the UK, or who will have been in the UK for less than 12 months by the application deadline in September. Fellows will find a stay at the host institution key to developing their research and skills and, where relevant, finding a permanent position. Applicants need not be EU citizens or resident in the EU. Warwick SMLC invites suitably qualified candidates to submit an expression of interest. Successful applicants have typically published a monograph and are working on a new project, fitting into a particular research theme or cluster of excellence at the host institution.
Warwick’s School of Modern Languages and Cultures has expertise in all periods from the High Middle Ages up to the twenty-first century. It has close relationships with interdisciplinary research centres such as the Centre for the Study of the Renaissance and the Centre for Research in Philosophy, Literature and the Arts. With around twelve postdoctoral fellows and around fifty postgraduate students currently working within the School, the environment for early-career researchers is a vibrant and welcoming one. Research fellows play a vital role in the research community, alongside academic staff of national and international renown. For more about research in Modern Languages at Warwick, see[]
Italian Studies at Warwick is a thriving department and among the most research-active worldwide. With funding from the AHRC and ERC it leads or participates in three major, collaborative research projects (Petrarch Commentary and Exegesis; Aristotle in the Italian Vernacular; Transnationalizing Modern Languages), in areas ranging from the Renaissance to the present (details at[]). It has an excellent record of attracting and hosting Marie Curie fellows as well as other postdoctoral fellows. It also has a vibrant and tight-knit community of around twelve PhD students.
Candidates must prepare an application together with a prospective mentor, typically a permanent member of staff who has a strong record in the proposed area of research. Given the September deadline, prospective applicants are encouraged to contact the proposed mentor no later than Monday, 5 June. Inquiries should include an academic CV (including list of publications) and a clear research proposal of up to 1500 words.
For any questions, prospective applicants are invited to contact David Lines ([email protected]), Director of Research for Italian Studies and the School of Modern Languages.
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