The Carl S. Meyer Prize, named for the co-founding editor of The Sixteenth Century Journal and one of the founders of the Sixteenth Century Studies Conference, professor of historical theology at Concordia Seminary in St. Louis, as well as executive director of the Center (Foundation) for Reformation Research, is a $500 prize awarded annually for the best paper delivered at the yearly meeting by a scholar who is still in graduate school or has earned the Ph.D. in the last five years. The winning paper is chosen by a committee of three conference members appointed by the president who shall designate the chair as well.
Criteria for selection include:

  • quality and originality of research
  • methodological skill and/or innovation
  • development of fresh and stimulating interpretations or insights
  • literary quality

***Papers placed in competition for the Meyer Prize cannot have been delivered at other conferences.***
To be considered for the 2017 prize, presenters must submit the paper as read at the 2016 conference in Bruges, as a Word document or PDF file, to Grace Coolidge, chair of the 2017 prize committee, at [email protected].  To be considered for this year’s prize, papers must be received by Friday, September 15, 2017.
The Sixteenth Century Journal shall have first right to accept the prize-winning paper for publication, once it has been revised from an oral presentation to an article appropriate for a scholarly journal. An announcement of the winner will appear in The Sixteenth Century Journal.