Graduate Writing Consultations
Our graduate writing consultants are available to meet with Graduate Center students to review students’ written materials and to discuss writing-related issues. Students can bring writing from a variety of genres, including course assignments, conference and dissertation materials, and more. Consultants address questions on both the micro (e.g. sentence structure, grammar, clarity) and macro (e.g. brainstorming, organization) levels. Consultants do not “correct” or copy-edit student writing; rather, they help students learn and implement writing strategies.
New dates are posted in GC Connect.
Students wishing to access GC Connect to schedule appointments or apply to job postings advertised by our office should use this link:
GC Connect is the name for our appointment scheduling and job posting system powered by Symplicity.
Please note that you can only view the appointments for two weeks in advance. Check weekly for appointment updates.
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