Nov 8 | International Research and Education Forum

Wednesday, November 8, 2017 │ 8:30 am – 5:00 pm
Sponsored by The Research Foundation of The City University of New York (RFCUNY)
Hosted by The Graduate Center, The City University of New York (CUNY)
365 Fifth Avenue at 34th Street, New York City
Proshansky Auditorium, Concourse Level

RSVP here[].
This will be the first CUNY International Research and Education Forum. The Forum is sponsored and organized by the Office of Award Pre-Proposal Support (APPS), RFCUNY. It brings together CUNY scientists interested in international research (not just in STEM fields, but in all of the social, behavioral and economic sciences ), calling for collaborations beyond the lines of disciplines and nationalities. It provides an opportunity to both showcase world-class research and education at CUNY and to develop and improve existing models of international collaboration. The forum offers a unique opportunity for researchers and faculty to dialogue with and to develop professional relationships with foreign research administrators, ultimately leading to foreign collaborations with great scientific advances.
During the Forum we will highlight important international collaborative efforts that have been undertaken by CUNY researchers. We will explore opportunities for scientific collaborations with foreign science foundations and research councils. The keynote presenter on the future of international scientific research will be Samuel Howerton, Deputy Director of the U.S. National Science Foundation, Office of International Science and Engineering.who will be offering a breakout session  specifically for students doing international research – on how to get external funding for student research. Introduction to Horizon 2020 and European opportunities for US researchers discussed by Viktoria Bodnarova, the Regional Representative of the EURAXESS, North America.
The afternoon breakout sessions provide foreign guests and CUNY faculty an opportunity to get to know each other. Each session is moderated by a CUNY faculty member or Grants Officer and each foreign representative will make a presentation. The presentation will summarize research grants programs in each respective country that CUNY faculty can either submit proposals to or serve as collaborators. Following the foreign representative’s presentation, the group will engage in a dialogue on what types of collaborations are possible for faculty in each respective country. The CUNY moderators will report out and provide a brief summary of the dialogue at a later session.
The Forum is a unique opportunity for faculty to advance their research agendas and provide them with greater impact through international knowledge sharing, strategic collaborations, and targeted partnerships. We look forward to your participation and contribution to the dialogue!
Agenda can be found here.