Due Mar 15 | Three Futures Initiative Grant Competitions for GC Students!
The Futures Initiative is pleased to offer three separate grant competitions.
- 6th Annual Dr. Louise Lennihan Arts and Sciences Grant
- 2nd Annual Paul C. Notari Environmental Studies Grants
- This year, the Futures Initiative is also offering the Equity and Social Justice Grant, a new competition that is open to MA or MS students
Projects will be evaluated on the quality and significance of their research, creativity, public value, potential usefulness, relevance, and contribution to equity and social justice. For the Notari and Lennihan grants, preference will be given to late-stage candidates of their PhD programs who are making satisfactory and timely progress towards completing their degrees, and who have not received an award in years past. Students from backgrounds traditionally underrepresented in the academy are warmly encouraged to apply. Eligibility: Applicants for the Notari and Lennihan grants must be PhD students in good standing, at any stage of their career, and in any field. The Equity & Social Justice Grant is open to MA and MS students. All applicants must be enrolled for the Spring 2023 and Fall 2023 semesters. Award recipients will be asked to participate in a presentation in Fall 2023. Application Deadline: March 15th.