Call for Papers: Eros: Thinking, Feeling, Writing Love from Classical Antiquity to Early Modernity

CFP – Conference Lightning Round for advanced graduate students
Eros: Thinking, Feeling, Writing Love from Classical Antiquity to Early Modernity

Advanced graduate students from the Inter-University Doctoral Consortium and other programs in the area are invited to participate in the conference “Eros: Thinking, Feeling, Writing Love from Classical Antiquity to Early Modernity” at NYU-Italian Department-Casa Italiana Zerilli Marimò on October 12-13th, 2023.

This interdisciplinary conference aims to explore ideas of romantic love in the Western tradition, from Classical Antiquity to Early Modernity, combining various relevant approaches from the sciences and the humanities. Our keynote speaker will be Barbara Rosenwein, a pioneer of the history of emotions and the author of “Love. A History in Five Fantasies”, which explores the permanence of conceptions of eros across Western culture. Along with the history of emotions approach, we will learn what anthropology and neurobiology have to say about the complex human experience of romantic love (Helen Fisher, Cristina Alberini). David Konstan, Teodolinda Barolini, and Aileen Feng will then
provide insights into specific ideas of eros in the three primary cultural contexts that prepared and set up the Renaissance: Classical Antiquity, the Middle Ages, and Humanism. Finally, we will concentrate on Early-modern discourses about romantic love from a wide array of perspectives, including literature (Lina Bolzoni, Jane Tylus), philosophy (Eva del Soldato), the history of medicine (Monica Calabritto),
music (Giuseppe Gerbino).

One session on Friday, October 13th, will be dedicated to short presentations by advanced graduate students working on topics relevant to any thematic clusters addressed in the conference. This lightning round will allow the students to discuss their ongoing research, receive feedback, and exchange ideas with the conference speakers, all leading scholars in their respective fields.

We, therefore, invite proposals for presentations of 5-7 minutes from students in any of the fields involved. Please submit an expression of interest by April 1st, 2023, and a title and a 100-word abstract by June 15th, 2023, to Dr. Ida Caiazza, [email protected]. Selected students will be notified by July 15th, 2023. For questions, please contact the conference organizer, Dr. Ida Caiazza
([email protected]).