TLC Programming: Office Hours Availability, Classroom Observations, and Assignment Remix
TLC Office Hours
As we approach what will likely be a tumultuous election week, Graduate Center student instructors are encouraged to consult with staff from the Teaching and Learning Center if they would like to talk through how to acknowledge, adjust to, and hold space for their students’ reactions to political events.
As a reminder, TLC staff are available for drop-in consultations next week at the following times:
Monday, 3-4pm, with Laurie Hurson in 3300.20
Tuesday, 3-4pm, with Şule Aksoy in 3300.18
Wednesday, 3-4pm, with Laurie Hurson in 3300.20
Thursday, 10am-12pm, with Luis Henao Uribe, in 3300.21
If you cannot make it at these times, submit a consultation request at
Pedagogy in Practice Classroom Observations
The TLC will offer classroom observations and feedback sessions as part of its Pedagogy in Practice program through the end of November. To sign up for an observation, visit
Assignment Remix
The TLC will host an “Assignment Remix” event on November 13. This is an opportunity for GC student instructors to share, openly license, and circulate assignments they have used in their courses… and to make $100 in the process.
For more on this event and to register, visit