Important Updates from the Mina Rees Library | March 2025

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Mina Rees Library Spring Hours 2025

Monday-Friday: 9am-10pm

Saturday: 10am-8pm

Sunday: 12pm-8pm

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Reserves for the Spring Semester

Teaching faculty should use this form to request books that they would like placed on reserve if they haven’t already: GC Library Course Reserve Request Form (

Upcoming Events:

Drop-In Sessions:

Zotero Drop-In Help

Monday 3/3, 3/10, 3/17, 3/24, and 3/31, 1:00pm-2:00pm

Stephen Klein holds one-on-one Zotero virtual office hours for drop-in video consultations on Mondays 1-2pm. Zotero is open source citation software enabling users to easily collect, organize, cite and share.


Archival Research Virtual Office Hours

Wednesday 3/5, 3/19, and 4/2, 11:00am – 12:00pm

Graduate Center community members are invited to stop by during our ask-a-librarian sessions dedicated to archives-related topics.  Bring your questions about finding analog and digital sources, using archives, conducting background research, and more.


Data Management Drop-ins

Tuesday 3/11, 2:00pm – 3:00pm

Do you have reams of research data that you need to organize and document? Do you need to ensure that it is accessible to the public and/or preserved for the long term? Are you applying for a grant that requires you to create a data management plan? If so, then this drop-in session is for you.


Scholarly Publishing Drop-In Hour

Tuesday 3/18 and 4/1, 3:00pm – 4:00pm

This drop-in session is for any member of the Graduate Center community with questions about scholarly publishing or other aspects of scholarly communication.


Workshops and Other Events:

Science Workshop Series: Intro to Zotero for Citation Management

Monday 3/3, 6:00pm – 7:00pm

This workshop will teach you how to use Zotero, free open-source software that can manage your research and create your bibliographies. We will create accounts, install the software, and get you started in using this time-saving tool.


Science Workshop Series: Open Access Publishing and Repository Use

Monday 3/24, 11:00am – 12:00pm

This workshop will introduce the idea of Open Access Publishing and Institutional Repositories. We will talk about how you can use these tools to both publish and publicize your own research, and also how you can use them to find work that other scholars have made available.

Understanding and Negotiating Book Publication Contracts

Wednesday 3/26, 6:30pm – 7:30pm

Friday 3/28, 11:00am – 12:00pm

Do you want to publish a book? If so, it’s important to understand the basics of book publication contracts! This workshop will cover the clauses that frequently appear in publication contracts, explain in plain language what these terms mean, and present strategies for negotiating “author-friendly” versions of these clauses.


When you understand and negotiate your book contract, you can maximize your creative, scholarly, and pragmatic goals for your work. Join us to learn more!


Additional Updates:

New Resource: The Chief

We are happy to announce a new collaboration that has brought access to The Chief: A Voice for Workers to all Graduate Center affiliates. The Chief is a New York City-based newspaper that has long focused on municipal government, civil servants, and the issues affecting New York State and federal employees. Visit the library blog for more information about this publication.


Zoom Booths

There are now two Zoom booths located on the first floor of the library, which can be reserved in 30-minute increments through the DGSC Room Reservation Portal. Bookings by any single student are limited to a total of two hours per month. See the DGSC Room Reservations page for more information.


Interlibrary Loan

As always, we encourage everyone to submit InterLibrary Loan (ILL) requests! ILL is an excellent way to obtain materials beyond the Graduate Center Library, in the form of print books, electronic articles/Ebook chapters, DVD’s, microfilm and more. Find out more about ILL on our InterLibrary Loan FAQ page.


Set up a Consultation with your Subject Librarian

Visit the Library Directory to find the librarian for your program. Feel free to select a time/date from the calendar that works for you to meet with them.

We’re happy to make arrangements to meet with you at other times, so also feel free to reach out by email.


Grants and Funding

Visit our Grants and Funding guide for information on a wide range of opportunities and resources.