Post Doc Advertisement

Dear Friends,
I am advertising a post doc position which I have very happily been awarded, and wanted to let you know about it in case you have students or former students who would be interested. The position can begin immediately if I find someone great who is finished and ready, and it also may begin in September.
I am particularly interested in a comparatist or someone with either Italian, Latin or Greek, as my project is very much about intertextuality. This is renewable for two years and possibly three, and will involve teaching at Gallatin one course a semester.  I am looking for someone who is very organized and a good writer above all things, and genuinely interested in Renaissance and early modern theater.  Although it has been posted for a few weeks, I have a number of good applicants from afar but few from New York City or this area.  Anyone who is applying for jobs should be able to put in an application quickly–this is not a really formal process–but I do want the person to be finished when they start the post doc as I am afraid otherwise they won’t have time to finish!!

Susanne Wofford <[email protected]>