Due April 15 | Revised CFP: Early Modern Digital Humanities at SCSC 2015
Sixteenth Century Society and Conference, Vancouver, October 22–25, 2015
updated – march 25, 2015
Call For Papers, Panels and Posters:
Early Modern + Digital Projects
and Computational Methods
Deadline for submissions: April 15, 2015
This is a Call For Papers, Panels and Posters related to “Early Modern Digital Humanities” at the Sixteenth Century Society and Conference, to be in Vancouver in October 2015. Participation and interest in the Digital Humanities track at SCSC has grown over the past two years, beginning with 5 panels in 2013 and 10 panels in 2014, including round tables both years and our inaugural poster session last year.
This year, there will again be both regular panels and a poster session. All sorts of digital projects are welcome, including interpretive scholarly papers, as well as discussions of electronic editions of sources, digital pedagogy, digital analytic methods, and other kinds of work. In the past, methods-driven papers have included work using social network analysis, spatial analysis and computational text analysis. On request, we will also help people organize “birds of a feather” opportunities, where scholars with similar stated interests can meet at the Conference to share information or discuss potential collaborations.
Proposals must be submitted through the Conference web site (http://www.sixteenthcentury.org/conference/), “Digital Humanities” track. However, since many people submit stand-alone proposals, submitters are also encouraged separately to email Colin Wilder ([email protected])<mailto:([email protected])>, the SCSC Digital Humanities track director, for help in fitting complementary papers together into panels. Panels may include of any type of paper. The poster session is a more informal, interactive setting, best suited to projects currently in progress and non-thesis-driven presentations.
We are also pleased to announce that a limited number of travel fellowships/subventions for graduate students giving papers or posters on the DH track will be available. This is made possible through the generosity of Iter: Gateway to the Middle Ages and Renaissance (http://www.itergateway.org/). If you are a graduate student, are submitting a paper or proposal to the track, and are interested in being considered for a fellowship/subvention, please contact Colin Wilder and William Bowen ([email protected]).
A panel report on the Early Modern Digital Humanities sequence at the SCSC 2013 in San Juan can be found here.