HUMANITIES INSTITUTE LUESTHER T. MERTZ LIBRARY CUNY—New York Botanical Garden | Humanities Institute Graduate Research Fellowship Summer 2018 The Early Research Initiative…
sponsored by UCLA Center for 17th-& 18th-Century Studies and the William Andrews Clark Memorial Library Graduate fellowship information can be found here:…
Pembroke College, University of Cambridge The College hopes to elect not later than 31 January 2018 to a Keith Sykes research fellowship in Italian studies,…
The DSC seeks candidates for the following open position at OpenCUNY: Coordinator for Organizing and Action In 2008, the OpenCUNY Academic Medium was formed to…
CUNY/SCHOMBURG ARCHIVAL DISSERTATION FELLOWSHIP for the 2017-2018 Academic Year Deadline for Applications: Wednesday, February 15, 2017, 5pm The Schomburg Archival Dissertation Fellowship will be awarded…
New call for application: The Faculty of Humanities at Universität Hamburg, Graduate Program: China in Europe, Europe in China: Past and Present, offers Five Doctoral…
CUNY Graduate Center New-York Historical Society Graduate Archival Fellowship Application Deadline: April 24th by 11:00 AM The Provost’s Office invites applications for up to four…
Visiting Research Fellowships Call for applications The University of Pennsylvania Libraries is pleased to announce a new initiative, the Schoenberg Institute for Manuscript Studies (SIMS)…
Italian Studies at the University of Warwick is seeking a Research Fellow as part of the ERC-funded Starting Investigator Grant on ‘Aristotle in the Italian…