Premodern individuals credited the power of prophecy to predict, and even shape, the future. The art or science of prophecy—as it was variously termed and…
Call for Applications MIDDLE FRENCH PALEOGRAPHY WORKSHOP Columbia University in the City of New York JUNE 6-24, 2016 This paleography workshop will provide intensive…
Please join the Pearl Kibre Medieval Study on Friday, Nov. 6th at 1 PM for a paleography and manuscript studies workshop facilitated by Dr. Michael…
Making Early Middle English Conference, University of Victoria 23-25 September 2016 Contact: Adrienne Boyarin ( and Dorothy Kim ( Past scholarly evaluations of the…
February 4-6, 2016 Embassy Suites Phoenix-Scottsdale Scottsdale, AZ ACMRS invites session and paper proposals for its annual interdisciplinary conference to be held February 4-6, 2016 at…
Visiting Research Fellowships Call for applications The University of Pennsylvania Libraries is pleased to announce a new initiative, the Schoenberg Institute for Manuscript Studies (SIMS)…
The Laboratorio LIBeR. Libro e ricerca of the University of Cassino, in cooperation with the Abbey of Montecassino, is pleased to announce its first Summer School on Trends in Manuscript…