Oct. 9 | Workshop & Lecture | Graduate Center, CUNY

The Comparative Literature department and the Italian Specialization at the Graduate Center (CUNY) are happy to invite you to a double event by Prof. Timothy Graham (University of New Mexico) on Friday, October 9: Workshop, “Understanding the Medieval Book:” at 11.00-1.00 pm in room 5409
Lecture, “Shakespeare and the Medieval Book of Beasts:” at 5.00-7.00 pm in room 5409
Please, visit our website for more information: https://grahamonshakespeareandmedievalbookofbeasts.wordpress.com/.
The events are sponsored by the Comparative Literature Department, the Italian Specialization thanks to the Sonia Raiziss Giop Foundation, the Renaissance Society of America, the Renaissance Studies Certificate Program, and the Doctoral Students’ Council at the Graduate Center.