Due Dec. 1 | CFP: ICLS July 2016, Lexington KY
The next Triennial Congress of International Courtly Literature Society will be held 24-29 July 2016 in Lexington, Kentucky. Our theme is “Courtly Pastimes” (see attached CFP for suggested topics). Organized sessions are also welcome.
We have just obtained funding for three travel and scholarship awards. More information and all updates may be found on our webpage: http://icls2016.as.uky.edu
The Fifteenth Triennial International Courtly Literature Society Congress
will be held on the campus of the
University of Kentucky, Lexington
24–29 July 2016
Congress Theme: Courtly Pastimes
Paper topics may include, but not be limited to:
Hunting, falconry, jousting and tournaments
Festivals, ceremonies and celebrations
The Garden: Plants and Nature (real or symbolic, in treatises, in visual arts)
Animals (real, mythical, literary, heraldic, emblematic)
Domestic animals (horses, lap dogs, hunting dogs, household cats)
Courtly spaces: Decorous interiors, decorative objects, fabrics and furnishings
Warriors dismounted: Knights at court (courtly conduct, speech, dress)
Special Topic: 500 Years of Ariosto’s Orlando Furioso (anniversary of publication of the first edition)
Additional topics concerning medieval and Renaissance era courts of any country are welcomed.
Papers may be presented in English, French, German, Italian, Spanish or Portuguese.
Presenters are asked to respect a twenty-minute limit on three-person panels.
Organized sessions (4-paper maximum) or round tables are encouraged.
Plenary Speakers and Concert
Lori Walters, The Florida State University, “Jeux à vendre: Poetic and Amorous Games in Christine de Pizan’s Queen’s Manuscript (London, BL, Harley 4431)”
Kristen Figg, Kent State University, “Blind Man’s Buff: From Children’s Games to Pleasure Gardens in late medieval France and England”
Pia Cuneo, University of Arizona, “Emblazoned Saddles: The Courtly Life of Horses in late
Elizabeth Tobey, University of Maryland, “The Sport of Dukes: Palios, Stallions and Racing Courtly music in concert to be performed by Liber Ensemble for Early Music
All conferees must be members in good standing of their respective ICLS branch by the time of the Congress. Graduate students are kindly requested to include a letter of introduction from their supervising professor. Deadline for Submission of Papers (title and abstract, not over 300 words): 1 December 2015.
Abstracts will be posted electronically on the Congress webpage: http://icls2016.as.uky.edu. For particular concerns, contact the Congress organizer: [email protected]
We invite your participation!
#CFP: International Courtly Literature Society July ’16, due Dec. 1. Travel awards available http://t.co/kFlop7AZKL http://t.co/NkFGMwubl1