Due March 15 | Lectureship in Italian Renaissance Studies, University College London
The UCL Italian Department is very pleased to share the following announcement:
Applications are invited for a Lectureship in Italian Renaissance Studies at University College London. The job is advertised on UCL’s main website, Ref:1535620, and the closing date for applications is 15 March 2016 (23:59 GMT).
UCL seeks to appoint a Lecturer (Grade 8) in Italian Renaissance Studies, within the School of European Languages, Culture and Society. The School would particularly like to strengthen its provision in the research and teaching of Italian Renaissance culture (broadly defined within literary, historical or cultural disciplines and within the period c.1400-c.1700). The ability also to teach in one or more of the following areas may be an asset: Renaissance visual culture; History of philosophy or religion in the Renaissance; Renaissance performance, theatre and music; reception of the Italian Renaissance. The postholder will be required to contribute to the teaching of Italian language courses within the Italian Department, as well as to contribute to the Department’s and Faculty’s teaching at undergraduate and postgraduate levels on the basis of research expertise, and to contribute to the running of the Department, the School and the University generally. The successful candidate will be expected to take up the position on 01 September 2016, or as soon as possible thereafter.
Key Requirements:
The postholder will have a PhD or equivalent and a proven track record of research and publications in an area of Italian Renaissance Studies. The postholder will be completely fluent in both English and Italian, and have the ability to supervise academic work by undergraduate and postgraduate students.
Further Details
Further particulars, including a full job description, can be accessed here.
If you have any queries regarding the vacancy please contact Dr Catherine Keen on [email protected]
RT @CUNYRenaissance: Apps due 15 March – Lectureship in Italian Renaissance Studies, University College London @UCL https://t.co/0nFr0ESdje