Feb 24 | Digital Amati: Structure and Interpretation of Classical Stringed Instruments

February 24th, 2017, 2PM – 3PM
Studio@Butler (Butler 208B)
535 W 114th Street
Harry Mairson, professor of computer science, Brandeis University, and amateur violoncello maker, has conducted research on type systems in programming languages and their relation to problems in logic and complexity theory. In this lecture, he introduces the Digital Amati Project which explores the structure, interpretation, and
making of stringed instruments, and how modern software can be used to represent historical practices of instrument design. The lecture discusses digital humanities tools, and the creative work done with them, and will be of interest to historians, musicologists, practitioners of digital humanities, and makers.
Please click on the flyer below for more information:
Digital Amati Project February 24 2017 2pm