Oct 10 | Upcoming TLC Workshop: Creativity
Tuesday, October 10 | 10:30am-12:30pm | Room 7209
Are you looking for ways to spur your students’ creativity inside and outside the classroom? Often in our classrooms we teach students to think, read, and write “critically” with an emphasis on logic, argumentation, and research. Students respond strongly and positively to the opportunity to be creative because they feel empowered to personally engage with course material.
This workshop will explore the interconnections between “critical” and “creative” thinking and identify a variety of strategies that can deepen and sustain students’ engagement. Together, we will deconstruct the binaries of critical/creative and creator/critic, and develop assignments that flow across these modes of knowledge production. Participants are asked to bring an assignment they would like to re-visit to engage students in new and exciting ways.
To register, visit https://goo.gl/forms/ke444AS0vC3AgpAG2
Additional Fall 2017 TLC Workshops
Wednesday, October 18 | 1-3pm | 9206
Think about how to navigate and leverage the many languages spoken in CUNY’s classrooms. We’ll focus specifically on supporting ELL students and teaching as a non-native English speaker.
Thursday, October 26 | 6:30-8:30pm | C203
Assignments often don’t go as planned. How do we prepare for and lower the cost of failure while maintaining improvisational and experimental approaches in the classroom?
Tuesday, October 31 | 10:30am-12:30pm | 9204
Explore a range of approaches to making CUNY’s classrooms and assignments accessible to all learners.
Thursday, November 9 | 6:30-8:30pm | James Gallery
Reflect upon how your own history and perspective impact your teaching philosophy.
Open Teaching
Wednesday, November 15 | 3-5m | C204
Engage with methods, tools, and strategies that allow teachers to connect course material and activities to broader experiences and spaces.
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