Call for Book Reviewers – Quaderni d’italianistica

Quaderni d’italianistica

Revue officielle de la société canadienne pour les études italiennes

Official journal of the Canadian Society for Italian Studies

The journal Quaderni d’italianistica is looking for reviewers for the books listed below.
The review should be about 800 words long (no more than 1,000 words). It should be written in either English, Italian, or French.
If interested please send an email to [email protected] stating your intention to review up to three books, in order of preference. Please also indicate clearly your affiliation and the address where you would like to receive the book(s).
Reviews are due on February 9 2018.
Thanks you for your attention
Patrizia Bettella (Ualberta) and Franco Pierno ( U Toronto)
Book Review editorial team

Books for review
Azzolini, Monica, and Lazzarini, Isabella (eds.). Italian Renaissance Diplomacy: A Sourcebook. Toronto: Institute of Medieval and Early Modern Studies (Durham University) – Pontifical Institute for Mediaeval Studies (Toronto) 2017. Pp. 300. ISBN. 9780888445667.
Fiore, Teresa. Pre-Occupied Spaces: Remapping Italy’s Transnational Migrations and Colonial Legacies. New York: Fordham University Press, 2017. Pp. 251. ISBN. 9780823274338.
Studi sul boccaccio. Vol. XLIV. Firenze: Le Lettere, 2016. Pp. 480. ISSN. 05854997.
Trione, Fortunato. La Poetica dell’affetto. Estetica religiosa nella Divina Commedia. Ravenna: Longo Editore, 2017. ISBN. 9788880639497.
D’Arezzo, Guittone. Selected Poems and Prose. Trans. Antonello Borra. Toronto-Buffalo-London: U of Toronto, 2017. Pp. 237. ISBN. 9781487501242.
Falkeid, Unn, and Aileen A. Feng (eds). Rethinking Gaspara Stampa in the Canon of Renaissance Poetry. London-New York: Routledge Limited, 2016. Pp. 236. ISBN. 9781472427069.
Thomas E. Peterson, Petrarch’s Fragmenta. The Narrative and Theological Unity of Rerum Vulgarium Fragmenta. Toronto-Buffalo-London: University of Toronto Press, 2016. Pp. x + 329. ISBN 978-1-4875-00023
Dr. Patrizia Bettella
Book Review Editor Quaderni d’italianistica
Italian Studies
Dept. of Modern Languages and Cultural Studies
University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB
Canada, T6G 2E6
Fax: 780 492 9106