Call for Papers: Mixed Race Shakespeares Editor: Adele Lee (Emerson College) Pursuing new directions in the subject of Shakespeare and race and addressing some of…

The Rutgers Ph.D. Program in German Studies Presents: The Eternal Return of the Vampire / Die ewige Wiederkehr des Vampyrs March 3-4, 2023 Rutgers University,…

CADRE: Co-Authored Drama in Renaissance England is a wiki-style forum for researchers to share evidence and information about the co-authorship – a term that includes…

Call for Papers and Digital Projects – Volume 40 Deadline: September 18, 2022 Rutgers Art Review, a journal of graduate research in art history, hereby invites all current graduate students,…

Princeton Medieval and Early Modern Studies Graduate Conference December 3, 2022 “How did they learn? How did they teach?: Exploring Knowledge Transmission from Late Antiquity…

Call for Proposals: Early Global Insularities Viator Special Cluster (tentative publ. date 2024) Editors: Sara Torres and Nahir I. Otaño Gracia Poster here Viator_Insularity_Call_for_Essays_Final Early Modern literatures…

Memory and Performance: Classical Reception in Early Modern Festivals 13-14 October 2022, University of Parma 23-24 February 2023, University College London Abstracts submission: 30 May 2022…

Comitatus A JOURNAL OF MEDIEVAL AND RENAISSANCE STUDIES CALL FOR BOOK REVIEWS The books listed in this PDF on our website are available for review…

Comitatus A JOURNAL OF MEDIEVAL AND RENAISSANCE STUDIES **DEADLINE EXTENDED ** CALL FOR PAPERS Comitatus, published annually under the auspices of the UCLA CMRS Center…

Crossing Boundaries: Disruption, Disturbance, and Defiance Forty-fourth Annual Warren Susman Graduate Conference April 1, 2022 Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey Extended Submission Deadline: January…